A gospel patron is someone who is invested and involved in another person's ministry to help proclaim the gospel. These behind-the-scenes partners enable and empower ministries to go much further than they might otherwise have gone. Bancroft Gospel Ministry has had gospel patrons for almost a century. Generous men and women who sacrificially give of their time, energy, and resources in order for the gospel to be taught and spread. Unlike your modern-day philanthropists who will be remembered for giving to good causes, gospel patrons will be remembered for giving to eternal ones. This has been the model ever since Jesus walked the earth, and it continues to be His model today.
There have been many gospel patrons over time who have partnered with individuals and ministries for the spread of the Gospel. Jesus Himself relied on patrons who came alongside of Him and His disciples. Individuals like Mary, Joanna, and Susanna (Luke 8:1-3), who were involved and invested in Jesus' ministry, partnered with Jesus to help further His ministry and His teachings. The Apostle Paul had Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18: 1-3) and Phoebe (Romans 16:2). Luke's gospel and Acts records were very likely funded by a gospel patron named Theophilus (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1-2). There are also numerous stories throughout church history of behind-the-scenes individuals partnering with others for the spread of the Gospel.
The truth is, Bancroft Gospel Ministry wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for God's grace and individuals who have chosen to sacrificially partner with us over the years. For this, we are humbled and grateful. Thank you!
There are numerous ways for you to partner with us in the Gospel. Below are a few categories with various opportunities for you to make an immediate Gospel impact!
Please contact us if you have any question or would like to partner with us!
There is nothing more powerful and appreciated than prayer. Being a faith-based mission, we believe in the power of prayer as the sole means by which our needs are met. We believe that God hears and answers our prayers and the prayers of those who partner with us, and it is always so encouraging and confirming when the Lord answers our prayers. Above any other means of partnership, we desperately desire that you would partner with us in prayer that the Lord would not only meet our needs, but, more importantly, also to continually use Bancroft to reach people with the Gospel!
We believe that God moves on the hearts of His people to partner with us financially for the furtherance of the Gospel and the advancement of His kingdom. This is the most immediate means to partner with us in the Gospel.
There are a variety of ways to financially support Bancroft:
one-time gift,
monthly supporter,
corporate sponsorship,
year-end giving,
trust funds,
bonds, and others.
No gift is too small!
The Lord continues to prove Himself faithful through individuals, like you, to financially sustain Bancroft Gospel Ministry. If you are interested in partnering financially with us, there are two quick and easy ways to do so:

Bancroft offers sponsorship opportunities for companies, business, and organizations looking to support our mission while also gaining exposure for their brand. Our sponsors have an opportunity to connect with thousands of individuals throughout the year who are connected in various ways throughout our community through rewarding sponsorship packages. We look forward to partnering with you to continue to serve our local churches, the body of Christ, and our community!
If you, or others you know, are interested in corporate sponsorship, please download our Sponsorship Packet or contact us by phone (423-288-4532) or by email (bancroftgospel1@gmail.com).
service projects
Pressure Washing buildings
Painting inside/outside of buildings
Mulch swing set and playground areas
Build deck around pool area
Clear trails of sticks and leaves
Repair counselor bathroom in Hope Bathhouse
General Maintenance
Tree trimming
general needs
4x4 Camp truck
Blinds for Grace Basement
(5) 24-ton loads of 3/4" gravel for The Ridge driveway - $1,000/each
(2) 24-ton loads of 2-4" gravel for Grace Building parking - $1,000/each
(6) 24-ton loads of 3/4" gravel for Grace Building & Chapel driveways - $1,000/each
(2) 5-gallon buckets of Exterior Building paint--2 colors $210/each
(3) 5-gallon buckets of Interior paint--3 colors $250/each
Leveling/Resurfacing/Lining of Gym floor - $23,000
(3) New Garage Doors for Gym and Garage - $800/each

View our Amazon Wishlist for a quick way to support and help general needs as Bancroft. Follow the link below and "remember" the list to your shopping lists so you can access it easily in the future!