Derrick, Marie, Reagan, & Bryce Marrs
Ministry Director
Rental Coordinator
The Marrs family became full-time missionaries to BGM in January 2019. Derrick’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 66:20, Marie’s is Ephesians 3:20, Reagan’s favorite verse is John 3:16, and Bryce says he doesn’t know what his favorite verse is since he is still learning to read.
​They each have their own favorite foods as Derrick’s is a Pizza Hut Deep Dish Meatlover w/ a side of cheesesticks…or a REALLY good burger. Marie loves bourbon-glazed Salmon w/rice and veggies while Reagan really loves popcorn shrimp. Bryce loves pancakes so much he named his teddy bear “Pancake!”
When not at camp, Derrick likes to play baseball with Bryce and Reagan and watching something on TV while sitting on the couch with Marie eating dark-chocolate covered almonds from ALDI. If Marie can get away from watching something with Derrick, she also loves to read in her spare time. Reagan loves to explore and note all the different birds, plants, and flowers that she can find. Bryce loves to play baseball with dad and exploring with his sister.
The Marrs’ love to travel when they can and if they could vacation anywhere Derrick would like to go on a world cruise. If they did a world cruise, they would definitely have to stop in Ireland, as that is where Marie would like to go. They would also have to stop in Portugal to visit Reagan’s friend, Laura, who’s family are missionaries. Bryce will tag along for the ride as long we could visit some science museums!