Bancroft Gospel Ministry (BGM) is a 501(c)3 organization who has been serving the community of Kingsport, TN and surrounding areas for almost 100 years. We specialize in camp programming for 6-17 year old students, along with rentals for church groups, area ministries, missionaries, leadership retreats, and organizational team-building. Our desire is simply to serve our community with the love of Jesus Christ by providing a safe, peaceful, and functional space to meet the needs of each group and compliment their efforts to achieve optimum success.

Bancroft Gospel Ministry (BGM) offers sponsorship opportunities for select companies and organization looking ot support our mission while also gaining exposure for their brand. Our sponsors have an opportunity to connect with thousands of people through four rewarding sponsorship opportunities. We look forward to partnering with you to impact and serve our community!

If you have any questions regarding our corporate sponsorship program, please contact Derrick Marrs at 423-288-4532
or via e-mail at bancroftgospel1@gmail.com